Spring Cleaning

They say a spring cleaning  change is as good as a holiday. A change of seasons is just the thing to get your blood buzzing and your mind ready to de-winter your home.

Spring is fast approaching, and it’s out with the old, in with the new. Luckily, that doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of your belongings for good. Simply put your unseasonal gear in Self Storage, ready to haul out once the colder seasons come along again.

There are real benefits to spring cleaning: you’ll simplify your home environment, allowing yourself space to breathe. Less time spent cleaning clutter. Or looking for stuff means more time you can spend on yourself, reading or resting or having fun with friends and family. You’ll know exactly where all of your belongings are, making it easy to find what you need.

Here are a few tips to make the process easier.

Spring Cleaning – Get mental

Nope, we don’t mean that you should go crazy and throw out the baby with the bathwater. Rather use these tips to get in the right headspace for decluttering.

  • Make a list of rooms you’d like to declutter, starting with the easiest first. In this way, you can tackle one room at a time, and the process won’t seem so overwhelming. Don’t try to do the entire house in one day!
  • If you don’t have much time, take five minutes a day to fill one cardboard box, and one trash bag. The cardboard box goes into Self Storage, while the trash bag goes – you guessed it – in the trash.
  • You can also put four cardboard boxes in each room, marking them as “trash”, “give away”, “Self Storage”, or “relocate”. Fill them up!
  • Only keep items that you consider to be beautiful, useful, or both. If you don’t love something, let it go – there are people out there who need it more and will give it a home. If you do love that gorgeous – and useful – quilt, but don’t see yourself using it in summer, put it in Self Storage. That counts for the skis and snowboards too!
  • Pro tip: only buy your packing and storage materials AFTER you’ve sorted through your house – you’ll know exactly what you need, and how strong and versatile your materials should be.

That’s it for part 1 of our Spring Cleaning – series – look out for part 2, where we explain the best way to pack your belongings for Self Storage.

All.In Self Storage in Pascoe Vale can look after your property, we offer clean, safe and secure storage units, suiting almost every need.